Kyo Najera



Kyo Nejera

Advance Scout

Level 4

135 lbs.


Looks: Small and wiry in build, stronger than he looks. Has a curiosity that has threatened to be his demise several times in his youth. He has a dark weathered skin and fine facial features. He has sandy darkish blond hair, cut tight to his scalp but for a cowlick in the front that just wont stay down. His ice blue eyes have a glint of daring behind them and you get a feeling of a brightness held back, though you cant imagine why.


History: Kyo Nejera was born and raised in the rough mountain region of eastern Vassa. It was in those mountains that he, his father, and his two older brothers, Laif and Daytral. Kyo’s father owned a small mine of ore that would yield just enough each year for them to survive on and continue their meager life. Kyo’s mother had died while giving birth to him, her third son, Kyo, named for her brother who was her best friend. Kyo’s father, Laif once told him, had wept for weeks over the grave of his lost wife, but never once did Kyo ever feel regret from his father, in fact he felt no less than his fair measure of love from the rocky faced old man. Kyo wondered how anyone could forgive the bringer of death to ones loved one, and piled his own measure of grief upon himself. He wore if on his shoulder like some big chip he wished someone would knock off. His brothers tried to put him in his place more than once, but although they were much bigger than he, both over 6 ft tall like their father, Kyo was small and wiry, who had astonishing speed and it was as difficult as trying to catch a greased pig.

Kyo did his level best to pull his own weight working in the mine day in and day out. At night however he would discreetly sneak away to spy on the great army passing through the pass called Bloodstone. As the next two years passed by, Kyo found some extra gold for his purse for spying on the same things he’d already detected anyway and soon his nights were filled with a game of cat and mouse with the armies supply trains and reporting his findings to a man named Kane. Eventually the war was finally over, and Kyo became a young man, making the tough decision to leave his family behind and leave with Kane, to a life where his skills could be more fully realized.  Kyo said good-bye to his two big brothers and then turned to face his father. Much to Kyo’s surprise, the big, rough, grizzled old man was shedding some tears. “Fath…” he started, but his father cut him off. Taking Kyo’s hand in his own time-worked and weathered hands he placed a chain and pendant in his palm, squeezing his hands tight. Fighting back tears, Kyo’s father said, “ This was your mothers, Kyo, she never once took it off, it was a gift from your namesake, her brother Kyo. In her last breaths she made me promise that on this day, you should have it, I don’t know how she knew this day would come this way, but this she bade me do for her, it was her last request. Take it now, and never take it off, she will be with you my son, this much I know” Kyo stood there for a moment, mouth somewhat opened but lost for words.

He had never seen his father cry, nor had he ever mentioned her to him in all these years. Quickly putting the necklace on, Kyo turned to embrace his father one last time; he’d already gone, disappearing into the early morning fog that always met the sun each day. With a ponderous look on his face, Kyo placed his pendant against his skin and headed down the mountain to meet Kane and go meet his new master, the new Lord of Bloodstone.



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